Saturday, March 10, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Reaching Critical Mass

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Reaching Critical Mass: Just One Minute
Liberals and the Suborned Media Employ Hegel’s Dialectic: XCV
10 disasters America will face if Obama gets a second term: Thiessen

Shock: Obama’s Mentor Derrick Bell Hated Jews: RSM
Surprise! “Cosmic Slop” Director a Big Obama Donor: JWF
When even casual sex requires a welfare program...: Steyn

First American President to Embrace Critical Race Theory: Nice Deb
Obama's Supreme Court and Critical Race Thory: Breitbart
Gingrich Says Panetta Should Resign Over Syria Remarks: NatlJrnl


Laying the Groundwork for Nationalizing Food: MB
Jobs Recession Now 49 Months: Longest Since WWII: IBD
Buffett's NetJets Sued By Feds For $366MM In Unpaid Taxes: WZ

Obamacare mandate will destroy Little Sisters of the Poor: Pundette
Frances Fox Piven: “We Have to Give the Banks a Big Scare”: VS
The European Bailout-And-Borrow Train Has Run Out Of Track: ZH

Scandal Central

Lawyers Who Backed Obama Advised on Failed Loan Programs: NLPC
The Racist Ravings of Derrick Bell: FPM
Obama's Supreme Court and Critical Race Theory: Breitbart

Climate & Energy

Wife of Climate Kook Energy Secretary Drives Gas-Guzzling BMW Sports Car: Times
Study: 30% of People With OCD Obsess Over Effects Of Global Warming: WZ
Legal Incandescent Bulbs are Here: Rush


Scandal at The Washington Post: Fraud, Lobbying & Insider Trading: NoisyRm
Soledad O'Brien: Derrick Bell Fan: Breitbart
Ed Schultz Paid Nearly $200,000 By Unions in 2011, According to Labor Dept.: NB

Turns out the media did vet candidate Obama – they just hid what they found: IBD
What will happen to all the left-wing comedians after all the attention to Limbaugh's "slut" controversy?: Althouse
Do We Burn It To The Ground?: TL in Exile

This is the Disgusting Racism of the Left…: Publius
MRC President on Louis C.K.’s Pulling out of Radio & TV Association’s Correspondents Dinner: MRC
Some newspapers refuse to run 'Doonesbury' comics on abortion, Texas ultrasound law: Fox

The Left's War on Christianity: Hawkins
Mark Levin Interview with Reagan Foundation about 'Ameritopia': My Freedom Post
Thomas Sowell Destroys Derrick Bell: Breitbart


NAACP Asking U.N. Human Rights Council to Condemn American Voter ID Laws: CNS
U.S. State Department Actively Promoting Islam in Europe: Creeping
Muslim & Arab Nations Walk Out of UN Meeting on Anti-gay violence: GayPatriot

Obama vs. Israel: Krauthammer
Iceland May Adopt Canadian Dollar: MB
Palestinian Terrorists Fire Barrage of Over 40 Rockets At Southern Israel: WZ


What the new iPad tells us about the next iPhone: CNet
Brand new bags: expandable, collapsible luggage wins awards: USA Today
Teen Exploits Three Zero-Day Vulns for $60K Win in Google Chrome Hack Contest: Wired


Weakly Review: Only the Schtrong Survive: MOTUS
Research finds women feel happy when their husband or partner is upset: Telegraph
Hiker missing for almost a month found in New Mexico: USA Today

Image: iOwnTheWorld: The Not-So-Lovely Randi Rhodes
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "Ever since Plato’s “Republic,” imaginative writers have promoted the idea of utopia, a paradisiacal existence in an ideal, managed society. Combine this with democracy’s tendency to descend over time into a soft tyranny and you have what Mark Levin calls “Ameritopia,” the title of his latest book, subtitled “The unmaking of America,”

Levin went to great lengths to validate his assertion that, in defiance of our founding principles, an insidious, managed collectivism is permeating our culture and supplanting the individualism under which we prospered. Levin believes that the centralization and consolidation of power in a political class similar to Plato’s “guardians,” that insulates its agenda in entrenched experts and administrators, is apparent all around us and growing more formidable. He reminds us of Ronald Reagan’s warning that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” He puts us on notice that, while the tea party limited government movement is a hopeful sign, “many more blissfully indifferent citizens must be aroused and enlisted lest our civil society continue to unravel and eventually dissolve into despotism.”

Can passionate writers and aroused citizens change America’s course? Maybe. But I recall the words of a Persian poet: “The moving finger writes and, having writ, moves on. Not all your piety or wit can lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.”" --Elbert Menees

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