Sunday, January 8, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Oops! The Senate Conducted Business During Its ‘Recess’

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Constitutional Crisis

Oops: The Senate Conducted Business During Its ‘Recess’: Tatler
Only one Senate Democrat supports Obama’s recess claim: DC
What Is the Separation of Powers?: Foundry


Dear Voters, Vote For Romney, You Idiots.: Publius
Rick Santorum, Conservative Stalwart: Hillyer
36 Senators File Brief Challenging Obamacare: INN

The Tucson massacre: One year later: Malkin
No, Santorum Never Supported an Individual Mandate: Riehl
Newt slams media for ignoring anti-Christian bigotry: Scoop

A Movement With No Followers: Pagun
Santorum Surge Hits Hollis, N.H.: RS
Gingrich: Obama the ‘best food-stamp President': Union-Leader

Must See: No Class Act: Moonbattery
21 Percent of Dems Have Left Party: Morris
Santorum: Election Is About Obamacare: WS


Obama's Lost Labor Force: ProWis
Those New Jobless Numbers: NRO
Being There — the Obama Sequel: Hanson

Obama jobs plan for youth is great if you like not getting paid: NakedDC
Union President: Time to Make Charter Schools ‘Ours’: BG
What Liberals Don’t Understand About Business and Profit: Foundry

Gunrunner & Energygate

Fast and Furious Defense Strategy: Keep Them Quiet: Owens
ATF Heads Starting To Roll Over Fast and Furious But the Cover-up Continues: Nice Deb
Drug Trafficker /Fast and Furious Links to Cartel: LE Examiner

Climate & Energy

Looks like “global warming” is off the hook for honeybee deaths: Watts
“Climate Change Castaways” Have Long Years To Wait: RWN
GM tweaks Volt's battery pack, fiery death now less likely: DVice


LFM Review: Page One, The New York Times & Modern Media Bias: Libertas
The Media Blasts Republicans While Obama Destroys Nation: BigJourn
The most ridiculous charge of racism ever?: Lifson

Confirmed: Anti-Semitism at Think Progress: VS
Obama Media Sycophants Renew Their Race Cards Just In Time For 2012 Election: Nice Deb
On MSNBC, Journalist Asks About Bachmann: 'We Will Be Rid of This Woman for Good?': NB

Did Obama Start Blogging at the Daily Kos?: Powers
Report: Mooch Ripped Into Obama After Scott Brown Won Mass Senate Race: WZ
Gibbs Peeved at Jarrett: DC

How Glenn Beck Got His Groove Back: Productive Class
Sunlight Down the Spider Hole: NoisyRm
Eugene Robinson Apoplectic About a Conservative in the White House: RWN


The Decapitation of Hope in Cuba: Babalu
Red Flag on the Red Planet: China's Great Leap Marsward?: AT
Inside David's Tower: A tour of Venezuela's skyscraper squatter city.: ForPol

Arab Spring: Egyptians Chant “One Nation for a New Holocaust” at Soccer Game: GWP
It took just a week for 2012 to become a very dangerous year: AT
Hamas-linked CAIR in Your Kid’s Classroom: Geller

Is America Prepared for Total War?: Loudon
Obamalateral Disarmament Dooms Arsenal Of Democracy: IBD
ICE – Deporting American Citizens and Displaying Massive Incompetence: NoisyRm


Discrimination Against Straight People At Google?: GayPatriot
Nigerian government hosts Halifax phishing site: Netcraft
NASA Questions Astronaut's Right to Sell Apollo 13 Memorabilia: Fox


Matt's Do It Yourself: Make Your Own Biased Liberal News Network! At Home!: Morlock Revolt
Help Wanted: Adult monitors for recess: MOTUS
Welcome to the First Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere!: Zilla

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "Given the total distortions of reality with respect to not counting people who allegedly dropped out of the work force, it is easy to misrepresent the headline numbers. Digging under the surface, the drop in the unemployment rate is nothing but a statistical mirage.

The official unemployment rate is 8.5%. However, if you start counting all the people that want a job but gave up, all the people with part-time jobs that want a full-time job, all the people who dropped off the unemployment rolls because their unemployment benefits ran out, etc., you get a closer picture of what the unemployment rate is. That number is in the last row labeled U-6.

While the "official" unemployment rate is an unacceptable 8.6%, U-6 is much higher at 15.6%. Both numbers would be way higher were it not for millions dropping out of the labor force over the past few years." --Mike Shedlock

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