Sunday, January 8, 2012

I am so f-ing sick of these left-wing, old media hacks running GOP debates. I want a conservative bloggers' debate!

So the chief political operative for a disgraced, impeached ex-president is the right guy to moderate a Republican debate?

And with America's debt surpassing 100% of GDP -- which makes us, officially, a debtor nation; with Iran threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz; with China gearing up for war; with Islamists rising throughout the Middle East; with rating agencies threatening to further downgrade the United States; George Stephanapolous wants to discuss banning contraception? Really?

No, that's the perverted worldview of a manic progressive, attempting to tar Republicans as religious throwbacks through his interrogatories.

Here's a solution: we need a conservative bloggers' debate.

I nominate Ace of Spades, Andrew Breitbart, Ed Morrissey, Erick Erickson, Jim Hoft, John Hawkins, Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds.

I can guaran-damn-tee that their combined audiences dwarf Stephanapolous' ratings.

So who do we have to sue to pull this off?

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